0800 453 630 | 09 973 0187

Managed Event Conference Booking

To make a booking, please complete the form below.
*Indicates required field

Scheduler Details

Full Name: *
Email Address: *
Company: *
Phone: *

Event Details

Company Name (if different from above):
Conference Topic Title: *
Date of Event: *
Conference Start Time: *
Time Zone: *
Conference Duration: *
Hour(s) andMinute(s)
Number of participants: *

On-Site Contact

Full Name: *
Phone: *

Speaker Details

Please enter all speakers' full names and titles: *

Participants Registration Details

Registration fields:
Full name
Is there anyone who does not have permission to join the conference (Eg. Media, Employees, etc)? *

Please upload your logo here for us to create your custom branded Diamond Pass invite.

Additional Features

Is this conference linked to an AGM? *

Will the presentation be pre-recorded? *
Do you require Q&A at the end of the presentation? *
Do you require View Q&A software? *
Require the event to be recorded? *
Require phone playback? *

Require transcription? *

Will this call have a live audience on site? *
Require a comms line for this event? *
Require the operator to perform a welcome script? *
Rehearsal Time: *
Minutes prior to the Start of The event
Do you require a webcast for this event? *

Additional Information:

Please Note:
  • You will receive the booking confirmation with Reference number (conference ID) within 1 hour.
  • If Webcast is required, the webcast link will be given along with the email confirmation within 1 hour, however the design, frame, and configuration will be completed within 48 hours.

(Spam Filter) Enter the result of the calculation: 5 + 9 =

*I confirm that information above is accurate.